How not to kill a computer...
I just read a great article over at with some great tips on how to prevent a disaster from happening, One tip I a really liked was this one-
Get an inside look into planning LAN-O-THON v4.0, a 50 person LAN Party at USF
I just read a great article over at with some great tips on how to prevent a disaster from happening, One tip I a really liked was this one-
Posted by
10:29 AM
VALVe and nVIDIA are partnering up to offer an exclusive demo of Portal...
Posted by
4:53 PM
My busiest semester yet is over and another crazy one is on it's way but before it comes I hope to get a bunch of stuff updated on this site, so look for new content soon and the announcement of LAN-O-THON v4.5.
Posted by
6:03 PM
Whew, after months of planning and two days of settinging up LAN-o-thon fianllay happened. Thanks to all those who came! We had some interesting challenges this time around like the visit from the campus the campus fire marshal and the head of resident building maintenance and the hl2dm tournament server crashing but we pushed forward and had a decent event. The tf2 action was awesome and every one had a great time playing it.
Our next event will be late febuary. I will post the date once it is finalized
Posted by
7:15 PM
RHA LAN-O-THON v4.0 will be October 26, 2007 at 7:00 pm at the University of South Florida (Tampa Campus). It's the 9th largest university in the US and you've probably never heard of it
It's going to be a 50 seat BYOC. USF Students Only and those who live on-campus have priority.
Games we will be hosting servers and tournaments for-
-> Counter-Strike: Source
-> Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
-> Day of Defeat Source
-> Team Fortress 2
We will be providing at least 25 temporary Steam accounts with the above games for the event.
This is a social event, so feel free to just to play WOW, surf the internet or just hang out but a computer is required to enter.
We are interested in having other games at this event but we are limited by man power. If you would like to manage a server for another game, please message me and we can work something out.
Registration has finally started!! So head over and Sign Up.
The process is a little different this year because with more people, comes a need for better planning. Our registration form this year is collecting more info so we can prepare better event. We are interested in finding out what games people want to play and such. This time around we are trying to take security seriously, so again this year, we will be signing computers in and out of the building but we will have a better system and as another defense, we are only allowing people who bring a computer to enter.
See you there!
Posted by
6:00 PM
LAN Party,
Wow, the LAN Party is this week. I've been working hard getting everything ready to go. I got a bunch of temporary accounts from valve this week so any guests who don't own Team Fortress 2 or any of Valves other multiplayer games will be able to play them free and legally. This ought to be a great event! See you there!
ps. Early registration ends Wed!
Posted by
12:52 AM
Sorry for the lack of updates, my life has gotten really really busy. Architecture, as predicated, has consumed my life and now, I have almost zero free time. I'm still going to make LAN-O-THON v4.0 a great event, I'm devoting every spare moment this week getting ready for it.
This past week our box of goodies from Alienware arrived and earlier this week, more stuff should be arriving. I post pictures soon.
Please sign up early as it will make check-in for the event go a lot faster for everyone. We need help setting up on the 25th so if you're available stop by the RHA office around 1pm or Cypress E later in the night.
See you there!
Posted by
12:51 PM
Weekly Update